HAP Alaska Yukon has a responsibility to preserve and protect the environment and the communities in which we operate.
We strive for improvements by utilizing innovation, communication, and transparency to reduce waste, expand recycling, and increase our energy efficiency.
Our Mission: Sustain Alaska & The Yukon
What is SAY?
Introducing Sustain Alaska and the Yukon (SAY), our shoreside sustainability-focused program. Launched in 2019, this initiative not only showcases our current eco-friendly efforts but also sets thrilling new goals to minimize our environmental footprint and boost community connections, partnering with local organizations. SAY is a vibrant hub for sharing innovative practices and ideas, ensuring that our sustainability message resonates with employees, guests, and communities alike. Join us on this exciting journey towards a greener future!
Quick Facts
- 518K pounds of recyclable materials and 88K pounds of food waste were diverted from the landfill in 2023.
- We have expanded or started recycling programs in all our divisions and many of our communities where we operate.
- 500 hours volunteered and $103K donated to local communities and businesses in 2023.
- Partnered with several non-profit organizations to recycle or reuse linens, guest room soap, crayons, and electronics.
- We've reduced single-use plastics in several ways: no plastic liners in guest room trash cans, straws and bags are provided only upon request, amenities and condiments are offered in bulk refillable containers, and bottled water is available only in aluminum containers.
- We believe in the 4th “R” or “Reduce, Reuse, Recycle…. Refuse!” Say no to those unneeded disposables to help reduce waste.
Our Goals

#1- Increase Waste Diversion —Every Bit Counts!
- Recycle and sort food waste appropriately.
- We recycle to reduce what we send to the landfill.

#2- Reduce Utility Usage & Food Waste – Together, We Can Do It!
- We’re on a mission to keep 150,000 pounds of food waste out of the landfill.
- Join the “Clean Plate Club”! Only take what you’ll eat and come back for seconds with a new plate if you’re still hungry.
- Get creative with our “Stop Printing Initiative”! Change processes and print only what’s necessary to cut down on paper waste and toner usage.
- Drive smart with the HAP Idling Policy! All drivers are trained to reduce unnecessary emissions.
- Be mindful with utilities! Our employees are trained on how most power in Alaska is generated (burning fossil fuels) and they pledge to turn off lights and electronics when not in use.
- Say no to single-use disposables and make a big impact!

#3- Expand SAY Culture – Let’s Make a Bigger Impact Together!
- All divisions complete a Passion Project – A Passion Project is an event or project that brings together employees to improve the local community and/or environment.
- Example Includes
- - Donating food waste to local pig farmers
- - Composting organics with a worm farm
- - Farm-to-table program with Chef’s Garden
- - Washing buses and vehicles of local school district and doing a school yard cleanup day with employees.
We're Adventure Green(AGA) Certified!
AGA is a voluntary certification program of the Alaska Travel Industry Association (ATIA) for sustainable tourism businesses operating in Alaska that meet standards of economic, environmental, and social sustainability. It's the only sustainable certification program in Alaska since 2009 and we are honored to be recognized for our SAY efforts.

SAY Photo Gallery
Frequently Asked Questions
Does HAP recycle?
Yes! HAP not only has started and expanded several recycling programs in our operations but we have also partnered in many communities to start programs for residents in the communities we live and work in. Examples include collecting cardboard in Copper Center from residents at the local post office or creating a recycling program for cardboard, Plastic #1 and aluminum in the Denali Borough.
Do we have any electric vehicles in our fleet?
Yes! As our vehicles age and need to be replaced, we are purchasing more eco-friendly models including EV cargo vans, hybrid mini-vans, hybrid box trucks and electric carts.
I have some ideas that HAP may want to hear about sustainability. How do I share them?
Most of the innovation and changes that have happened at HAP are from our incredible employees that are coming from a variety of backgrounds and experiences. We want to hear from you! Please tell your supervisor or manager your idea or you can email us at alaska.yukon.recruiting@hagroup.com and we’ll connect you with Bonnie, our Director of Sustainability and Community Relations.